Our HOME CARE AWAY FROM HOME is a new concept in the home health space. We accept daily/nightly bookings for any person needing a home health aide and looking for a short respite while waiting for long term lodgings or rehabilitation options to become available.
We help the following referral sources:
HOME CARE AGENCIES- the extra night or 2 allows an agency to get home care schedules in place
HOSPITAL DISCHARGE- this resource is available to those patients that have finished their care at the hospital but are waiting for the rehab or long term care option to become available. No more waiting in a hospital bed, make a booking here instead
REHAB FACILITIES- our option can bridge the time gap between when a patient is needing to discharge from a hospital until the space is available
HOSPICE AGENCIES- timing is everything, the on- demand nature of this option allows for families to book a room or an entire home to allow for peace during this last transition
FULL TIME CAREGIVER /FAMILY MEMBER- sometimes caregivers need a break. The everyday demands of being a full time caregiver can be overwhelming. We can provide that place for a break or short term vacation you have planned.

612 S Brown St
Jackson, MI 49203
24/7 : 365
(517) 888 -1261